Making sure users are notified whenever new learning is assigned to them is essential for many, and managing Push notifications for your Motis, Packages, and Learning Paths is now easier than ever.
Push Notifications are sent as in-app notifications only, and will result in a notification on the device where app notification permissions allow it 🔔
The main setting
You can enable or disable the main setting for Push Notifications for a Moti, Package, or Learning Path by going to it's settings page. If they are enabled, Push Notifications will be sent to your users in the following scenarios:
- When you publish a course, any assigned user will receive the Push notification
- When you create a new assignment for a course that's already published
Promoting a draft
When you promote a draft to a published Moti, you have the option to choose whether or not to send Push Notifications - completely independent from the main setting. Your choice here will not affect the main setting in any way. Note that Push Notifications are never sent for the "Minor Updates" option.
When Push Notifications are enabled, the following logic apply:
- A user will only receive a Push Notification about any Moti once per publication (unless compulsory changes are made to the Moti).
- Those who have already completed the Moti will not receive any Push Notification (unless compulsory changes are made to the Moti).
- When the "New chapters" draft promotion option is used, users who have already completed the Moti will not receive a Push notification. Users that are inactive, or "observers" in the assigned group will also not receive notifications.
- Non-invited and inactive users will not receive a Push Notification.
- If you simply add a user to a group which is already assigned to a Moti, this user will not receive a Push Notification. However - they might receive a push notification at a later time due to the following, related logic:
- When a new assignment is created for a Moti, the system will run a check and look for users who are assigned to the Moti on any of the existing assignments, but who for any reason haven't received a push notification, and send them one.
Please note:
- The Discover playlist is not compatible with Push Notifications - any users assigned to a learning on this playlist will not receive Push Notifications.
- If you have a Moti that's been shared from another organization's MotiSpace, and Push notifications are enabled, then these might be triggered to your users if the organization that owns the Moti makes changes to it. This will follow the overall logic described above.
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