If you're an API developer, you know how important it is to test and document your application to ensure its functionality and reliability. Postman is a popular tool among developers as it provides a user-friendly interface to make HTTP requests, test endpoints, and visualize responses.
One of the key features of this tools is the ability to import documentation in Open API format. In this article, we will guide you through the process of importing Motimate Public API documentation (in Open API 3.0 format) into a Postman Collection, making your API testing and development more efficient.
Before we start, you will need to have Postman installed on your system. You can download Postman here.
Import Motimate API for Postman Collections:
- Go to the page for downloading the Motimate Public API documentation (here).
- Find the Export button in the top right corner, and click it. Select Download API, then JSON Unresolved.
- Once the file has been downloaded, open Postman.
- Open the Collections tab and click Import. Upload the downloaded file as a Collection.
- Time to set up our authorization - click Motimate Public API and then select the Variables tab.
Add a new variable named clientId and set the Initial value to the value provided by Motimate. The current value will update automatically.
then...Add a new variable named clientSecret and set the Initial value to the value provided by Motimate. The current value will update automatically.
- Very important: Click Save!
- Click Motimate Public API again and select the Authorization tab.
Set Type to OAuth 2.0. A form should appear. Scroll down to the Configure New Token section.
If you see “Some changes to the Token…” info, simply click Edit Token Configuration.
Set Grant type to Client Credentials:
Set Access Token URL to
Set Client ID to
Set Client Secret to
Scroll down and click Get New Access Token. Postman should inform you about an successful authentication. Click Proceed and then Use Token.
- Very important: Click Save!
Click: me → fetch Current Organization → Send.
You should see a response from the Motimate Public API, with your organization data.
Congratulations! You have now imported the Motimate Public API to Postman Collections 🎉