Learning Paths is about bringing the users through a journey of learning, offering skills or expertise in a specific field. Creating a Learning Path in Motimate is straightforward—simply add Moties or Packages to tailor the experience. Create your first Learning Path just by following these simple steps.
Creating a Learning Path
- Start by clicking Studio in the menu on the left after logging in to Motimate.
- Click the green Compose button.
- Select Learning Path.
- Give your Learning Path a name (character limit: 128).
- Upload a Cover Photo (recommended dimensions: 1280 x 640px).
- Click Let's Go when you're ready to start editing your Learning Path.
- You will now see the Learning Path setting page:
- Enter a short Description to explain and introduce the subject of the Learning Path.
- Check the box Locked order on sections if you would like to lock the order of sections in your Learning Path. If you do so, users will not be able to proceed to the next moti/package, before they have completed the current one.
- Add relevant Tags to your Learning Path. You can select from existing, ones or create new ones. A tag should be a relevant keyword for the content in your Learning Path. E.g. if you are creating a Path about MS Excel, relevant tags could be "Excel", "Office", and "Spreadsheets.
- Select which Categories the course should be placed in. You can place a Package in as many categories as you like, or even none at all. If there are no categories available, you can contact your Organization Admin in order to add categories.
- Click Content to start editing your Learning Path.
- A Learning Path can be used if you want to take your users through a series of learnings. You can add several sections, and choose if the order should be locked or not. You can add both Motis and Learning Packages.
- Click Add Sections, and add as many Sections as you like.
Add content to Learning Path. You can add both Motis and Learning Paths.
- You can choose Locked Order if you want the content to be locked. Then the users have to take the Moti/Package at the top before the next one opens.
- When you are done with the content, you can Translate it if you want.
Congratulations! You have now created your first Learning Path.
When your Learning Path is finished, please check out the following instructions:
Important! Motis and Packages added to a Learning Path must be published. Motis and Packages don't need to have been assigned but must be published. If a Moti or Package has not been published, it will not appear when a user opens the Learning Path.