Use the Public API to automate user integration and synchronization with your data source, and connect Motimate to other cool services π
Public API v2 is now available for all customers!
Public API is a set of services that can be used to update and manage data in Motimate. It is documented in a standard way, called OpenAPI, and provides developers with programmatic access to our software as a service. This API has broader support than what you can do with SCIM and CSV, but you need an integration service or software robot to use it.
The launch of PAPI v2 makes it easier than ever to export data from your MotiSpace, with endpoints such as:
Please note:
- You need to request your API credentials from Support in order to start using this service.
- The API database refreshes at regular intervals a few times each hour.
Data Models
Public API provides models to automate user provisioning and Pulse posts. It has these data models:
User model: You can use this to read, write, and update information on user accounts. This can include contact information, access roles, and group assignments for moti management. If a user has one or multiple positions, this can also be set in this endpoint.
Groups model: This allows you to read, write, and assign user groups. These groups can also be structured in a tree structure to match your organisation and simplify learning assignments.
Important: The group level is currently defined using the attribute kind. The value of kind can vary from organization to organization. It can also be changed easily by your organization admin. When setting up API integration, it's advisable to define a permanent list of kind names for your group levels to avoid potential error in the API integration should kind names change.
Positions model: This model allows you to read and write positions to which user accounts can be assigned.
Posts: You can use this to create posts and publish them on Pulse. This can be done in combination with the files services to upload images.
Files: This service is used to upload images for Pulse Posts. The size limit for images is 40 MB, videos are 100MB, and documents 100 MB.
- Insights: This service is used to generate and obtain a link to a customized report. The report template must be created beforehand in the Motimate platform using the 'Generate Reports' feature under 'Insights'.
There are also two support services that you need in order to consume the data models above:
OAuth Token endpoint is used to create access token. Get your client id and client secret by contacting
- Me endpoint is used to verify the access token. This is useful if you have a keystore to keep your access token and you would like to verify that it is working without invoking any transactional calls.
How to test the API:
In order to test the API, we recommend using an API platform such as Postman. You can find a guide on how to import the full Motimate API documentation to Postman and Insomnia Collections here.
You should create your API access token such as described above, and then enter this token as a Bearer token in the Authorization tab within Postman. You can then go ahead and test the API and review the responses.